Family Communication
Keeping families updated on growth and learning.
We use Storypark as a tool to communicate with whānau and families and document children’s learning at preschool. Storypark can be used as desktop or mobile app. You will be sent an invitation to join once your child is enrolled. Once you have joined you will be able to invite other family and friends to participate in your child’s learning profile.
Planning, Assessment and Documentation of Learning
Teachers are responsible for the planning, assessment and documentation of children’s learning in partnership with whānau and families. Once enrolled you will be connected to your child’s teacher. They will discuss your child’s learning with you and seek your perspectives and knowledge of your child. These conversations will form the basis of our planning for your child along with our centre philosophy, learning priorities and curriculum.
Our main form of documentation is through narrative assessment, primarily learning stories. You will be able to access these through Storypark and your child’s scrapbook at preschool.