Learning Priorities

Over time and with guidance and encouragement children at Hope Preschool will become increasingly capable of:

Outdoor Play

Knowing They Are Loved And Valued By God

Teachers will role model biblical values and share Bible stories, songs, and values with the children. Children will be taught that they are created special and loved.

Being Independent

Teachers will encourage children to look after their own belongings, try new things, take responsibility for choosing their own play, and ask for help when needed.

Caring For Themselves And Others

Teachers will model positive relationships, and encourage children to respect others’ differences, welcome others to preschool, become independent in personal care, and look after the preschool environment.

Playing With And Alongside Others

Teachers will provide opportunities for children to cooperate and collaborate with others, to include others in their play, and promote others’ learning.

Contributing And Communicating Their Thoughts, Feelings And Ideas

Teachers will prioritise oral language development through small and large group activities, conversations, listening to children, and seeking their opinions. Children will be encouraged to take on leadership.

Problem Solving Through Creativity And Exploration

Teachers will create an environment that empowers children to make choices about their learning through open ended resources, loose parts, and research resources.