Our Centre
“I know the plans I have for you” says the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you a hope and a future.”
Jeremiah 29:11
Our Philosophy
The Mataura River that runs through our valley reflects how we see teaching and learning at Hope Preschool. The river is a gift from God that sustains life as it journeys down the valley. Our task is to be kaitiaki (guardians) of the river so it continues to sustain future generations.
And so with learning; children are a gift from God entrusted to us to guide their growth and learning. The teachers and staff of Hope Preschool work in partnership with families and whānau as kaitiaki of the children and their learning as they begin their journey through life. We are grateful for the families and whānau who trust us to share this journey with them.
Our Collective Values
- Our foundation is the faith and truth of the Bible | Whakapono
- We extend hospitality, kindness, and love to all | Manaakitanga
- We work together as a learning community | Kotahitanga
- We show respect to each other and the world around us | Kaitiakitanga

Kāhui Ako
Hope Preschool is an active member of the Eastern Southland Kāhui Ako. Belonging to a Kāhui Ako provides an opportunity for us to work collaboratively with other early learning services and schools to improve education outcomes for all learners, and to support positive transitions from early learning to primary school. Membership allows for sharing of expertise, resources and information to benefit all learners.
Parenting Toolbox
Parenting Toolbox courses are offered several times a year. These are run in conjunction with the Parenting Place. They cover three different age groups; Baby and Toddler, Primary Years, and Teenage Years.
These course are advertised within the centre and on our Facebook page. Talk to us about our upcoming courses or visit the Parenting Place website.

Board of Trustees
Our preschool is governed by trustees who oversee the strategic direction and operations of the Hope Education Trust that runs the preschool. Our trustees are:
- Alan Taylor
- Treana Morton
- Lisa Thomas
- Raymond Thomas
- Laura Thomas
- Andrea Greer